
We’ll support you in shaping a meaningful value proposition, designed specifically to target your SME customers.

Drawing on our extensive industry knowledge and expertise, we’ll help you pick the right services to bring your proposition life.

And we’ll manage the vendor partners, to ensure all services are delivered smoothly and efficiently.


Hundreds of online services at your fingertips

We've already built successful relationships with a number of highly respected independent software vendors that provide digital tools, cloud services and fintech solutions. That means we can provide you with a catalogue of online services to help you build your proposition, and we’ll also manage the relationships with these new partners to reduce your workload and time to market.


Business case design

We can support you in the development of a business case for launching a new proposition, or assess the viability of your existing business case.

Proposition development

We’ll work with you to understand your strategic objectives, develop strawman solutions, test using customer research and craft value propositions, proposition messaging and marketing messaging.

Vendor selection

We’ll help you select the right services for your proposition from our catalogue following a stringent due diligence process. We can source new services, handpicking partners against your requirements.

Vendor on-boarding

We evaluate each service and design a unique on-boarding flow to overcome its challenges, ensuring it’s efficiently delivered commercially, technically and operationally.

A collaborative approach to developing your proposition and the services that drive it

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